Lake-Sumter State College is providing public notification of proposed changes in student fees for the 2021-2022 academic year.
In accordance with Florida Statutes 1009.23(20), Lake-Sumter State College is notifying the community of proposed changes in institutional student fees before their consideration at the District Board of Trustees of Lake-Sumter State College meeting on June 23, 2021.
For the 2021-22 academic year, the only changes to course fees are the implementation of fees for a new program.
Lake-Sumter State College reviews student fees annually to ensure that fees do not exceed the cost of the services provided.
No tuition increases are being proposed at this time.
Area | Subject | Course | Proposed Fee 21-22 | Comments |
Mechatronics | ETI | 1843L | $25.00 | Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance |
Mechatronics | ETM | 2401C | $25.00 | Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance |
Mechatronics | ETS | 1535C | $25.00 | Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance |
Mechatronics | ETS | 1540C | $25.00 | Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance |
Mechatronics | ETS | 1542C | $25.00 | Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance |
Mechatronics | ETS | 1700C | $25.00 | Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance |