LSSC proposing student fee modifications for 2021-22 year

Lake-Sumter State College is providing public notification of proposed changes in student fees for the 2021-2022 academic year.

In accordance with Florida Statutes 1009.23(20), Lake-Sumter State College is notifying the community of proposed changes in institutional student fees before their consideration at the District Board of Trustees of Lake-Sumter State College meeting on June 23, 2021.

For the 2021-22 academic year, the only changes to course fees are the implementation of fees for a new program.

Lake-Sumter State College reviews student fees annually to ensure that fees do not exceed the cost of the services provided.

No tuition increases are being proposed at this time.

AreaSubjectCourseProposed Fee 21-22Comments
MechatronicsETI1843L$25.00Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance
MechatronicsETM2401C$25.00Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance
MechatronicsETS1535C$25.00Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance
MechatronicsETS1540C$25.00Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance
MechatronicsETS1542C$25.00Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance
MechatronicsETS1700C$25.00Materials, Armatrol, and Insurance