LSSC to introduce official Lakehawk mascot

Members of the media and local community are invited to join the LSSC campus community for the introduction of the College’s new mascot, Swoop the Lakehawk.

The name Swoop was chosen in voting by students, faculty, staff, alumni & community members.

YOUTUBE: Watch as Dr. Sidor welcomes our newest community member!

The College has been the Lakehawks since 2012, and is now welcoming Swoop the Lakehawk as our official College mascot and newest ambassador.

WHAT: Introduction of Swoop the Lakehawk

WHO:Swoop the Lakehawk, LSSC students, faculty & staff

WHEN:Wednesday, April 3 at 11:00am

WHERE:Lake-Sumter State College, Leesburg Science-Math Building 9501 U.S. Highway 441, Leesburg, 34788