LSSC expanding transfer opportunities for engineering graduates

Graduates of Lake-Sumter State College’s AS in Engineering Technology – Substation and Relay Technology Specialization have a new option to continue their engineering education.

Lake-Sumter State College and Daytona State College have inked a new transfer articulation agreement into Daytona State’s Bachelors of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET).

Man in a khaki colored shirt working on wiring while sitting at a table

“We are excited to offer this career advancement opportunity for graduates of our program,” says Dr. Amy Albee-Levine, Dean of Workforce Development at Lake-Sumter State College. “Building off our specialized program electrical distribution, the bachelor degree in Engineering Technology at Daytona State College prepares students for a variety of engineering capacities, including technical positions in high-demand fields of industrial operations, mechanical design, and construction design.”

Daytona State’s BSET is accredited by ABET, a crucial quality assurance indicator for engineering and technology program. Graduation from an ABET accredited program is required for future qualification in the Professional Engineer (PE) licensure.

“We are proud to build on our program’s unique ability to prepare students to work in the energy industry,” says Dr. Albee-Levine. “Now, we can offer graduates opportunities to seamlessly continue their education and training with a bachelor degree.”

LSSC graduates interested in learning more about this transfer opportunity, can contact LSSC at (352) 568-0001 or contact Daytona State College directly at