Futures Start Here. Tus Futuros Empiezan Aquí.

Are you ready, Four Corners? ¿Están listos, Four Corners?

We will be offering classes at the new location at the Town Center at Cagan Crossings.

Lake-Sumter State College is excited to be joining forces with you and bringing our high-quality education to your vibrant community! We’re going to do amazing things and work toward a brighter future, together!

This new location will offer a full schedule of classes taught by our talented faculty.

Fall 2023 Courses

SubjectCourse Title
BSC 1005Introduction to Life Science
ENC 1101College Composition I
ENC 1102Composition: Literature
MAT 1033Intermediate Algebra
MGF 1106Liberal Arts Math
MUL 2010Music Appreciation
PSY 2012Introduction to Psychology
SLS 1501Foundations of Success Seminar
SPC 2608Public Speaking

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Campus Location