- Program LSSC Security phone numbers into your phone.
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times including times when you may be less alert and more vulnerable to an attack (e.g., illness or when tired)
- Use discretion and caution when taking shortcuts through isolated parts of campus.
- Park in well-lighted areas; have your keys in your hand as you approach your car, lock your doors when driving and immediately after entering your vehicle.
- As you approach your vehicle, scan the area under and around your vehicle; check the back seat and floor before you enter your vehicle
- If you have vehicle trouble, signal for help by raising the hood or turn on flashing lights
- Remain in your vehicle with doors locked until identifiable help arrives
- Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle that contains various items such as a flashlight, distress signs, and bottled water.
- Check the inside of an elevator before entering; wait for the next elevator if you have any concerns; when riding an elevator, stand by the control board. If you feel in danger, press all the buttons and get off the elevator as soon as possible. (Note: LSSC campus elevators are equipped with either emergency phones or push-button alarm bells.)
- Check bus schedules to avoid long waits at a bus stop; become familiar with routes and timetables in your area; wait for buses at well-lighted stops and, if possible, join others at a nearby stop
- Take a few minutes and think about how you would react to various situations that could arise, such as a robbery or if you are attacked.
- Remember to: trust your instincts, never be afraid to be impolite or make a scene (even if it is someone you know), and try to remain calm.