Reporting sexual assault, abuse, and stalking: Who should I tell? Who will find out? What will happen?
One of the most important decisions for survivors is whether or not to talk about what happened. LSSC encourages everyone to consider reporting sexual misconduct, relationship abuse, and stalking to the college and, when appropriate, to law enforcement. Our Title IX Team receives training to ensure that survivors are supported and assisted in the reporting process. When the college receives information about sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking, it will initiate an investigation.
An advocate or counselor can give you confidential information and support before you decide what to do next. The Title IX Coordinator or a member of the Equal Opportunity Response Team can also assist you, although they are not a confidential resource.
Once a report is made, the college’s ability to protect the survivor’s confidentiality is limited by its obligation to take action to prevent further harm to the individual and community. The college will take steps to mitigate and remediate harm even when an anonymous report is made, but its response will be limited based on the available information.
What to Do if you Become a Victim of Sexual Abuse/Misconduct
- Call 911 for immediate help or if you are afraid you will be hurt again.
- Get medical attention, including a wellness exam and emergency contraception. An advocate can explain when a sexual assault forensic examination might be an option for you.
- Speak with a crisis in the community. Advocates are trained to listen to you and to offer information and support for all of your options. They can also help if you decide to report to the police or the college or go to the hospital.
- Get crisis intervention and on-going therapy from an External Confidential Resource
- Report to law enforcement in the jurisdiction where the assault took place.
- If you think that you might want to report to the police, it is important to preserve any evidence. This could include physical evidence(including fibers or fluids on your body or clothes, or anything else the offender touched) and messages.
- Make a report to the college, which will allow the college to provide services such as no-contact orders, academic support, and other support options
- When making a report, request that the college protect your confidentiality to the greatest extent possible.
- Get a restraining order from a court to keep the offender from contacting you on and off campus, even if you don’t make a police report. You may qualify for an Injunction for Protection. Free legal assistance is available.
What if I don’t want to make a report to the college or law enforcement?
- Off-campus advocacy and counseling (such as those available through the Student Assistance Program and the Employee Assistance Program)
- Medical care
- Forensic evidence collection at a hospital emergency room
- Restraining orders from the courts
- Legal advice and information