If you have questions or concerns about which form to submit, please contact Carolyn Scott, Dean of Students.
Academic Integrity Incident Report
This report can be used by faculty or staff for academic dishonesty concerns including unauthorized assistance, multiple submissions, commercial use of academic materials, cheating, plagiarism, violations of copyright laws and regulations, and other misrepresentation of work.
Student Code of Conduct Incident Report
This report can be used to report any alleged violation(s) to the LSSC Student Code of Conduct. Please click here to review the full Code of Conduct(Amendment Spring 2024).
Anonymous Reporting Form
Please complete our online anonymous reporting form if you observe concerning or threatening behavior that suggests harm to LSSC students, staff, or visitors and you do not wish to submit an Incident Report form.
Student Assistance Program (SAP) Referral Form
Counseling is provided on a temporary basis to all LSSC students who request it through the Student Assistance Program (SAP). LSSC contracts with a local private mental health provider for up to five free counseling sessions. Use this form to begin the referral process.
LSSC Care Team Referral Form
The LSSC Care Team meets regularly to discuss and quantify at-risk student behavior through the use of a research-based rubric to better inform interventions and follow-up strategies.
Starfish Academic Early Alert
College students typically encounter a great deal of stress during the course of their educational experiences. While most students cope successfully with the demands of college life, for some the pressures can become overwhelming and unmanageable. The LSSC Starfish program is driven by intrusive interventions with students who are exhibiting signs of academic withdrawal or personal distress. Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit Progress Surveys in Starfish.